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Loomly Success Stories: Be Radiant

Be Radiant

Success Stories

13 May 2024 • 1 min read •

Rene Cheng

In this Loomly Success Story we spoke with Deanna Jaromay Arrivas, owner of small business Be Radiant in Walnut Creek, California.

In 2015 Deanna established her wellness center Be Radiant to offer services such as Reiki healing sessions and certification classes to help individuals reconnect with their inner wisdom. After using Loomly, Deanna saw a surge in direct messages based on her increased impressions on social media.

If you’re interested in learning about Be Radiant’s story and her success after using Loomly, read on!

How did Loomly help you solve your biggest challenges and pain points with managing social media?

“So the biggest pain point pre-Loomly was manually posting to every single site. I don’t know if you’ve ever tried that but it is a definite time suck. And Loomly actually helped with that, to be able to schedule things ahead of time

To move through the process of setting things up, getting approved, and then getting it scheduled is almost a "set-it-and-forget-it" feature.

💡Loomly Tip: Loomly offers flexible workflows with customizable approval setups to cater to your needs and streamline your content creation process.


What is your favorite Loomly feature and how has it helped you achieve success?

“My favorite Loomly feature, and what drew me to Loomly, is the fact that it didn’t post as a third-party app as I had seen with other apps. So I didn’t lose engagement.

In fact, I receive more engagement now through DMs because they have seen my posts.

“And I love the fact that Loomly allowed me to post to sites that I was already posting to.”

💡Loomly Tip: Loomly supports a wide range of social media platforms, plus users can connect to a custom channel via Zapier for channels like Tumblr, Reddit, and others.

Are there any positive or measurable results that you’ve achieved since using Loomly?

“So the measurable results would be with the engagement in the DMs. I would get ‘likes’ and ‘loves’ and I still do, that actually hasn’t dropped.

"But what has increased is the amount of messages and DMs I receive.”

💡Loomly Tip: Loomly’s Interactions dashboard allows you to track messages, DMs, and comments from platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and X/Twitter to ensure nothing is left unread. You can also assign users and filter messages in Loomly to speed up your response time.

What is one hidden gem or unique tip you’ve discovered while using Loomly that you think would benefit other customers?  

“So one hidden benefit isn’t actually a hidden benefit: it is the fact that it looks like I’m posting it myself. In addition to that, it freed up my time.”

 Loomly is super easy to use. You don’t have to be technical. It’s pretty intuitive.

Ready to try Loomly?

Learn more about Be Radiant and Deanna’s work by visiting her website. Alternatively, you can also find her on social media: 

Want to find out why small businesses like Be Radiant choose Loomly over other social media schedulers? Start your free trial today and see it for yourself!


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