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Save Facebook Audiences And Target Your Fans Consistently

Loomly News

28 Mar 2018 • 1 min read •

The Loomly Team

In February, we launched Facebook Audience Targeting features allowing you to publish posts even more accurately.

Today, we are releasing an update allowing you to save Facebook audiences — and load them — from Post Builder to target your favorite audiences in a few clicks.

This is as easy as 1, 2, 3:

1. When you create a post, define a Facebook audience in Post Builder:

2. Name it and save it:

Save Facebook Audiences And Target Your Fans Consistently Screenshot 2

3. Next time you create a post, simply load it in two clicks:

Save Facebook Audiences And Target Your Fans Consistently Screenshot 3

You can currently save & load Facebook audiences with Preferred Audiences & Audience Restrictions parameters, and in the near future, you will be able to save a third type of audience parameters… but that’s a secret!

As always, this is a feature we were able to develop because you requested it (when we shipped Facebook Audience Targeting last month), and we cannot thank you enough for your amazing, continuous feedback and enthusiasm.

We exist to serve you and building Loomly for you everyday is our greatest honor.


The Loomly Team.

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