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Track Your Success With Advanced Social Media Analytics

Loomly News

16 Jan 2018 • 1 min read •

The Loomly Team

Today, we are extremely happy to share with you a brand-new feature we have been working on for months: Advanced Analytics.

Manage all your social media accounts in one place.

Craft, schedule, & auto-post content to all your social channels, then track analytics and manage interactions from a single, easy-to-use dashboard.

Advanced Analytics In A Nutshell

Your new Advanced Analytics system is packed with features, and if you asked us to only pick the main ones, here is what our selection would look like:

  • click counts, sources & locations

Loomly Advanced Analytics click stats


  • Account-level statistics, such as your total number of Page Likes on Facebook and Followers on Instagram

Loomly Advanced Analytics Account-Level Statistics


Loomly Advanced Analytics Post Metrics

  • Date filtering & period comparison:

Loomly Advanced Analytics Date Filter

  • Analytics data for all your posts, not only your posts published via Loomly.

To unlock Advanced Analytics, you will need to have at least 5 published posts in your calendars and then enable Advanced Analytics from the Advanced Analytics view for each of your calendars:

Loomly Advanced Analytics View

Advanced Analytics are available from the Standard Plan and up.

Users with the Advanced Plan and up can also easily set up automatic report schedules to be sent either weekly or monthly by clicking on the down arrow icon on the right hand side and select Schedule PDF Reports:

Schedule Social Media Analytics Reports with Loomly

Log in to your account to check out Advanced Analytics.

Also Introducing Basic Analytics…

So, what happens if you do not enable Advanced Analytics?

Well, we got you covered with Basic Analytics!

What are Basic Analytics you ask?

Basic Analytics are basically — pun intended — the Analytics you were used to in Loomly until now, except they just moved from your previous Post Analytics View to each individual Post View:

Loomly Basic Analytics Post View

Basic Analytics is available to all Loomly users!

Log in to your account to check out Basic Analytics.

In any case, and as always, we want to thank you all immensely for sharing your feedback & suggestions with our team and guiding us in the development of Loomly on a daily basis.

You are simply the finest community of users we could ever dream of and we are incredibly grateful to get up every morning to build Loomly for you.

Last but not least, a special thanks goes to Ben, our Lead Software Engineer on this project, who has done a remarkable job building this entire new Advanced Analytics system from the ground up.

Have a fantastic day! 💚

The Loomly Team

Loomly is a visual social media planner that helps you create better content for your audience: start your 15-day free trial now.

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