Exciting news! Here are the Marketing Career Landscape Survey results:
The key takeaways from the survey are:
- Highest level of formal education: more than 1 in 2 (52%) marketing professionals holds a Bachelor’s degree.
- Academic background: more marketing professionals come from an eclectic background (46%) than from a conventional marketing background (41%).
- Most in-demand soft skills: creativity remains the top in-demand soft skill (77%) for marketing professionals, followed by time management (48%).
- Most in-demand hard skills: digital marketing (social, SEO, paid) is the most in-demand hard skill (74%) for marketing professionals, followed by content production 65%).
- Essential tools: social media management tools are essential for almost 8 marketing professionals out of 10 (79); in comparison, only 38% reported that email marketing tools were essential to their jobs.
- Most promising career opportunities: social media management provides the most promising career opportunities (45%) at the moment, far ahead of brand management (20%), growth hacking (12%), inbound marketing (11%) and customer success (8%).
- Marketing team size: almost 75% of marketing teams include 1 to 5 people.
- Cross-functional collaboration: close to 75% of marketing people collaborate with 1 to 10 people as part of their jobs.
- Work conditions: less than 10% of marketing professionals are unhappy (uncomfortable or frustrated) with their work conditions.
- Job interest: 7 out of 10 marketing professionals consider their jobs to be interesting or exhilarating.
- Compensation: 46% of marketing professionals report being paid less than they expect.
- Current employer: 46% of marketing professionals intend to stay with their current employer more than 36 months.
- Recruiters: while one third (31%) of marketing professionals are never contacted by a recruiter, another third (32%) is solicited either once a month or once a week.
- Drivers: marketing professionals value stimulating challenges (58%), culture fit (50%) and growth potential (48%) when looking for a new job, more than compensation (35%) or impact (32%).
- Automation: a whooping 68% of marketing professionals feel that their jobs cannot be automated.
- Career: 54% of marketing professionals think they will be in the marketing field until the end of their career.
Thank you very much to the 176 respondents who took the time to answer the Marketing Career Landscape Survey.
See you next year for a new iteration of this survey.
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